Health and Safety Audit and Site Inspections

Health and Safety Audit

A Health and Safety Audit is a critical assessment of a company's health and safety systems, procedures, and policies. Conducted by CQMS' independent Safety Advisers, these audits ensure compliance with current health and safety legislation.

Here's why they matter:

  • Ensuring Compliance: Audits determine if adequate control measures are in place, promoting a positive safety culture.
  • Setting Performance Standards: They identify objectives and standards, ensuring resources are allocated for implementation and improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: By actively monitoring performance standards, audits facilitate ongoing enhancements in health and safety practices.

Companies benefit from regular audits for several reasons:

  • Effective Risk Management: Audits identify hazards early, minimising workplace injuries.
  • Employee Motivation: Demonstrating commitment to safety boosts employee morale and engagement.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensuring adherence to health and safety regulations mitigates legal risks.


How CQMS Can Assist You

Our Health and Safety Advisers conduct comprehensive audits, covering documentation review, risk assessment verification, and compliance monitoring. We provide expert guidance to ensure compliance with UK legislation.

Site Inspections

Site inspections are vital for proactively monitoring health and safety adherence on construction sites. Here's why they're essential:

  • Maintaining Compliance: Inspections ensure work activities align with health and safety regulations.
  • Identifying Issues: They uncover potential hazards for consideration and mitigation.
  • Ensuring Accountability: Site managers receive unbiased reports to fulfil their safety responsibilities.


How CQMS Can Help You

  • Comprehensive Inspections: CQMS’ site inspection includes documentation, emergency procedures, electricity, environmental issues, housekeeping, First Aid, PPE, welfare, working environment, training and work equipment, and more.
  • Tailored Approach: Recognising the uniqueness of each project, we customise our inspections to meet your specific needs.


Contact Us

Every project is different. Reach out to us for an in-depth discussion about your site inspection requirements. Call us at 01476 566665 or Get in Touch to ensure your site's compliance and safety.


At CQMS we specialise in all aspects of audits and site inspections, so let us manage the stress for you. Call us now on 01476 566 665 in preparation for your next H&S audit.